Posts in Category: Michael Palij MW

Super-Tuscan Spectacular

Michael Palij MW

Michael Palij (MP) is a co-founder of the Club, introduced many of those present to the WSET exams and is an Italian wine specialist.

The evening was divided into some background story-telling by MP, followed by a tasting of and commentary on the nine wines presented.



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Call My Bluff

A Tasting by The Three Wise Men [aka The Old B(l)uffers] - Michael Palij MW, Jonathan Pedley MW and Richard Bampfield MW

For those who are unfamiliar with the ‘Call my bluff’ format, ‘en bref’ it is an evening of fun and involves a competitive viniferous guessing game. Each of the ‘wise men’ in turn describes the wine that has been poured then each table must guess which of the three is telling the truth. At the end of the evening the table with the most correct guesses wins. It probably took new members and guests a few minutes to settle into the rhythm of bluff and double bluff, however those familiar with the format, including our ‘Bluffers’, certainly pitched in with gusto.

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Age-worthy Italian whites

Michael Palij


In the world of wine, Italian whites have all too often been seen as the ‘poor cousins’. Thirty years ago it was Lambrusco and raffia-covered flasks of Chianti that dominated the charts. Then came ‘killer Bs’ of northern and central Italy and – for the fully sophisticated the glittering allure of the ‘super-Tuscans.

Have we moved on? Yes, a bit, thanks in considerable part to our President Michael Palij MW whose Winetraders’ import business has always specialised in the wines of Italy. But can Italy’s white wines provide more than fresh, fruity appeal? Michael came to the Club on a chilly north Oxford evening to upturn some assumptions – and what a freight he brought with him. Generous magnums of serious

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Call my (Wine) Bluff!

Our Call My Bluff tastings haven’t been running quite as long as I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue but they generate a nearly equivalent charge of wit, ingenuity and fabulous stories (in every sense of the word) from our Three Bluffers: Richard Bampfield MW, Michael Palij MW and Jonathan Pedley MW. Not only that but this occasion was graced with our very own ‘Samantha’ totting up the scores…

Jonathan, unshaven since the start of lockdown sported a remarkable ‘yeard’ that reminded members of a rather mischievous Old Testament prophet. Richard, with Stellenbosch (twinned with Basingstoke – not) as his backdrop was his usual elegantly charming self, while Michael, as always, brought authority, gravitas and far-flung travels to the party.

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‘Bulles de Luxe’

Blind tasting the best of Grande Marque champagne and sparkling wine

On 19 October 2017, Michael Palij MW hosted a remarkable (and possibly unrepeatable) tasting even by his own spectacular standards at the Cherwell Boathouse. ‘Bulles de Luxe’ was a blind tasting of 24 champagnes and sparkling wines, ranging from a £5 Aldi Prosecco to £150 wines from the very top producers. Think Cristal from Louis Roederer, Dom Pérignon from Moët and Chandon, La Grande Dame from Veuve Clicquot.

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Call My Bluff - The Return

Richard Bampfield MW, Michael Palij MW & Jonathan Pedley MW

The Oxford Wine Club tasting on 21 January was an evening of bluff and double-bluff. Jonathan Pedley's insistence that (practically) all the wines we tasted were from Morrison's had to be weighed against Michael Palij's assertion that they were (practically) all from his own cellar or those of his most illustrious wine-maker friends, whilst Richard Bampfield played the trust me I'm a trustworthy chap game (to great effect).                                 

Yes, it was round 3 of the Club's occasional Call My Bluff evenings. As always there were tricky decisions to be made. Do you put your faith in psychology or in tasting skills? Do you put your trust in your own tasting skills or do you rely the (apparently) most trustworthy panellist or the less trustworthy?

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Pedro Ximenez: Wine Legend Come to Life

Michael Palij MW & Antonio Sorgato

It was the year that saw the first non-stop flight from London to Paris, the year that saw the launch of the Titanic – and the end of the last Chinese Imperial Dynasty. It was 1911 and now 33 members of the Oxford Wine Club can say they’ve drunk wine over 100 years old. We owed this extraordinary opportunity to Michael Palij MW and to Antonio Sorgato of Toro Albalá.

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Legendary Red Burgundy

Michael Palij MW
It was Lent, it was a traditional time for abstinence. But it was also the day of a Michael Palij MW tasting. And this tasting was certainly not for those who had vowed to give up alcohol until Easter! For his riposte to Jasper Morris MW’s brilliant ... read more

Undiscovered Italy

Michael Palij MW
Galloping through uncharted territory with Michael – and his Italian stallions Once again OWC members gathered at Lady Margaret Hall for the second consecutive tasting of the season to be led by Club President Michael Palij. Michael guided us... read more

Exploring Argentina

Michael Palij MW
‘The Full Monty’ Stepping in at short notice to take over a tasting requires skill, nerve and a depth and outstanding breadth of knowledge. When we were let down by our original speaker – the first time in the Club’s history this has happened at... read more
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